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Registration for SeaquestriaFest will be open soon
Pre-order your tickets as soon as registration opens!
Which Ticket Will You Be Getting?
Down below are descriptions of each different type of ticket, and sponsorship tiers!
Sponsorship Perks Can Change Each Year. So make sure you look them over before buying.
Spirit Badge
Badge, Lanyard, Convention Book, Framable Postcard
Badges for children 10 and under are free*
*Must be accompanied by an adult
Friday Only Badge
General Admission to all of Fridays events*
Saturday Only Badge
General Admission to all of Saturdays events*
Sunday only Badge
General Admission to all of Sundays events*
Family Pass
Includes 2 adult badges and 2 under 17 badges
General Admission to all 3 days of the event
10-17 Youth Badge
General Admission to all 3 days of the event
General Admission
Con Book
Access to all the areas of the convention*
Lanyard, badge
Con Book
Access to all the areas of the convention*
Sponsor print
"Thank-You" on our website
Discord Sponsor Role,
Con book name drop
Con Book
Access to all the areas of the convention*
Sponsor print
"Thank-You" on our website
Discord Sponsor Role
Con book name drop
Exclusive TSSSF card set
Dog tag
Con Book
Access to all the areas of the convention*
Sponsor print
"Thank-You" on our website
Discord Sponsor Role
Con book name drop
Exclusive TSSSF card set
Dog tag
SQF tea cup
"Thank You" at closing ceremonies
Custom badge with OC
Con Book
access to all the areas of the convention*
OCMD goodies
Sponsor bag
Sponsor print
SQF cup
"Thank-You" on our website
Discord Sponsor Role
con book name drop
Merch from various con vendors.
Breakfast for all 3 Days
2 exclusive Pearl only events
Hotel room for the Thursday-Sunday of the event
"Thank You" at closing ceremonies
*(18+ events will require photo ID with the age being at least 18+)
**Rewards may be added as time goes by, depending on what we (SeaquestriaFest) can accomplish and add.
No refunds at this current time
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